
今天要介紹的是在倫敦一家超值的 B&B: Bernie & Sol's B&B

在什麼都爆貴的倫敦, 難得有一家算是很便宜 (當然不可用台灣的物價和倫敦比較), 有包傳統英式早餐 (讓我這大食量的女生都脹到想吐, 午餐都免了。), 很乾淨, 地點又很好的 B &B 當然要好好介紹一下嚕。

會知道這家 B&B 是因為前陣子到倫敦辦些事情順便訪友, 朋友告知, 她家之前發生過, 室友帶男友回家住, 而被房東趕出去的事件之後, 她就再也不敢收留朋友住她家, 但是她的房東正好有開一間很受好評, 物超所值, 在台灣人圈子廣受好評, 房客幾乎都是台灣人的 B&B, 我也不方便強人所難, 加上價錢還不錯, 我就住那裡了。

先賣個關子, 這家 B&B 在倫敦三區的 Plaistow 地鐵佔附近, 出了地鐵佔之後, 網右邊走三個路口, 約五分鐘, 就到了 Bernie 的B &B
這間 B&B 是由一對夫妻經營, 老公名叫 Bernie, 是一位退休的英國軍人; 老婆名叫 Sol, 是菲律賓人, 在銀行上班。以前有台灣人住過她們的民宿, 還幫她們寫了網誌宣傳, 從此以後這間民宿在台灣人圈子中聲明大噪, 要訂房都要提早個一個月才訂得到房間。

窗名几靜的客廳, 這對夫妻都非常愛乾淨, 所以客廳, 餐桌和房間, 洗手間都超乾淨的, 符合台灣人的要求。

但是, 這家 B&B 最招牌的東西卻是她們的超大份, 超豐盛英式早餐。早餐包在房價裡, 不另外收費唷。

在英式早餐正式上場前,  Bernie 都先來一碗新鮮的水果當開胃菜。房客還可以選擇要喝咖啡還是喝茶, 還是要喝牛奶, 都是一大壺的唷。我這個咖啡控, 一天不喝咖啡就整天沒精神, 當然是選咖啡嚕, 哈哈。

故作優雅在早餐前拍一張, 小紅來所以有點水腫。

滿桌琳琅滿目的茶杯, 果醬還有各種沾醬。

傳統英式早餐, 最前面, 橘色那團, 上面覆蓋著白色奶油醬的, 是 Bernie 自製的馬鈴薯餅, 很好吃, 吃完真的脹到不行。馬鈴薯真的是最佳的, 能吃得最飽的食物壓。

某一天, 早餐甚至是魚。白色的是清蒸的鱈魚, 紅色的是煙醺鮭魚, 爆好吃的, 我超愛吃海鮮的。英國人一向不太愛吃魚, Bernie 和 Sol 這對夫妻卻時常提供魚類料理作為早餐, 相信是為了迎合台灣人胃口吧。畢竟她們大多數的客人都是來自台灣。

這個古色古香的銀色器皿, 裝的是米飯, 配魚一起吃的。這一頓早餐也是飽到下午, 連午餐都省了, 真是窮背包客的好朋友。

我和 Bernie 說, 我要寫網誌推薦他的 B&B, 可愛的他提供我一大堆資料, 希望我貼在網誌上, 我就完成他的心願嚕。

Here is some General Information about Our B&B which I hope is Helpful to You

Our house is in Plaistow - which is in the heart of the east end of London.  Please note that it is not a hotel or hostel, but is simply our modest home in which Sol and I have had great pleasure in hosting many visitors from S E Asia as B&B guests since the late summer of 2005.

Plaistow is very easily accessible from central London by various convenient means of travel.  It is in transport Zone 3.

The local tube station (Plaistow) is just 3 minutes walk from our house.  It is on both the ‘District’ and ‘Hammersmith & City’ lines.  It therefore provides easy access to all the Central London attractions. 

In addition to this, the ‘Jubilee’ and ‘Central’ lines are relatively close by - as is the Docklands Light Railway (DLR).  We are also very well served by numerous bus services. Thirty minutes on the tube places you well in the centre of London where there are countless attractions and places of tourist and cultural interest. 

Although access to the majority of London’s Airports and the National Rail Services is via central London, access to London (Stansted) Airport and the Coach Service to Cambridge, plus Rail Services to East Anglia can be gained by simply starting your journey from nearby Stratford – just a 7 or 8 minute bus ride away.  Our guests using those services do not need to route through central London. 

Planning a trip to Cambridge perhaps?  You should note that it only takes about 1 hour 20 minutes to take the coach from Stratford to Cambridge (saving you around 2 hours or more travelling time on a day trip to Cambridge if you had been intending to take the coach from central London). 

Similarly London City Airport and the ExCeL Exhibition Centre are but a short distance away and can be reached in a few minutes by taking a bus that passes the end of our road.   

We normally provide our B&B guests with a sumptuous ‘full English Breakfast’ – which we try to vary each day.  Everyone seems to thoroughly enjoy the traditional English Breakfast, but if you would like to try something different please do feel free to let us know what it is you particularly want - and we shall do our best to satisfy your wishes.  Vegetarian or Vegan? – We can fix you up, no problem

Alternative light breakfasts and take away packs can be provided for the very early travellers who have to leave before 07:00. [But please let us know before 6pm the day before!]  

We do not cater for formal meals other than breakfast.

The way our B&B operates is based on the general assumption that once guests leave the house after breakfast they do not normally come back until the evening. They usually eat out, or perhaps bring back a takeaway from a local outlet to eat at home.   Guests are nevertheless welcome to use the kitchen for the preparation of light snacks such as noodles, soup, etc; but any “seriously heavy cooking” is really not practicable, as it is likely to clash with our other ongoing kitchen activities. 

There is a highly recommended Chinese ‘take Away’ restaurant quite close by which is conveniently open until midnight.  This has proven to be extremely popular with many of our guests – especially when returning late at night from the theatre etc. It compares extremely favourably to similar establishments in central London which we understand are significantly more expensive.  It is just a one minute walk from Plaistow Tube Station and is open until midnight.  (As you exit the station, just turn left and walk past the car sales showroom.  It is the first building in the row of shops – The Ho Wah Restaurant).  They look after our B&B guests very well!

There are numerous other places to eat in the surrounding area – indeed far too many to try and list.  Suffice to say however that every possible taste is catered for within a very short walking distance or bus ride.  In addition to that, we are only about 30 minutes from China Town in Central London in any case!

You don’t need to bring heavy or bulky items such as towels and hair dryers.  We provide you with all that sort of thing.  You might want to bring your own slippers for use in the house.  

Our prices in 2010 are £24.00 per person per night. There is no tax reclaimable element within the cost.  We can only accept cash settlement – I regret that we have no Visa or other card facilities.   

Wireless internet facility, is available for those with laptop PCs capable of receiving it.  There is no charge for this.

We do not have a dedicated Web Site, but prefer that awareness of our B&B facility is simply promulgated by personal recommendation of previously satisfied guests. 

We can be contacted by e-mail; or telephone voice/text to 0044 (0) 7919 050 742

Our rooms do not have private en-suite facilities.  Apart from the Twin Room which has a wash basin the remainder of the house has a combined shower room and toilet plus another separate toilet.

Our budget is very tight and does not cover a personal laundry service.  There are however several Self Service Launderettes nearby - or else the house washing machine can be used at £3.00 a load, and [if required] the dryer at £1.00 per load.


With regard to travel around London, just in case you are not familiar with the latest TFL policy and fares scheduling, we strongly recommend that you look at so that you can familiarize yourself with the London Transport System and ascertain the most advantageous way to pay for your daily travel.  You can save a lot of money by using an ‘Oyster Card’.

We live at No 9 Atlas Road, Plaistow, London E13 0AG. 

You can see the area on by entering postcode E13 0AG. 

Even better, you can have a closer look at Atlas Road by going to  entering Postcode E13 0AG, selecting “Birds Eye View”, and then zooming in. 

Car parking adjacent to the house is no problem

Guests are welcome to arrive at any time on Day 1 - and if they wish, leave their luggage whilst they go out for the remainder of the day.  We do ask however that we are given early forewarning (by calling 07 919 050 742) in order to give us a couple of hours notice so as to enable us to arrange for someone to be at home to meet and greet them on arrival. 

Similarly, by mutual agreement, after “Check out”, luggage can be left for collection at some later time - or even some later date.  We do not charge for this service.

 Assuming that you may travel to our house by Tube, this is how to do it:

 [You can see the tube network at]

Take the District Line or the Hammersmith & City Line to Plaistow.

As you exit Plaistow Station simply turn to your right and walk down the hill to the traffic lights and cross the road.  Continue in the same direction past Costcutters Shop and the Station Café.  Atlas Road is the second turning on the right [the Victoria Tavern is one the corner of Atlas Road].  Our house [No 9] is on the left hand side of Atlas Road.  

 Although it only takes 3 minutes to walk from Plaistow Station to our house I should nevertheless be pleased to come and collect you if it is practicable to do so at the time.  So when you arrive in London you should feel free give me a call on 07 919 050 742 to give me a rough idea of when you expect to arrive at Plaistow, and then when you actually arrive at Plaistow Station you can give me another call - and I will come and get you in the car if I can.

However, if you have Heavy Baggage............
At Plaistow there is a staircase which you have to carry your bags up before you can exit the station.  If you have really heavy baggage this can be a bit boring, so I recommend that you get off the train at West Ham (which is one stop before Plaistow) – call me on 07 919 050 742 - and I will then come and collect you in the car.  West Ham has the benefit of a lift - so there is no need to struggle with heavy baggage on a staircase. 

Burberry Clothing Factory Outlet Shop

You perhaps may be interested to learn that we are only a relatively short distance away from the Burberry Clothing Factory Outlet Shop.

We mention this because it seems to be a place of particular interest to our friends from South East Asia.  We can easily help you to visit the shop during your stay should you so wish.

Examples of other Popular Shopping Attractions:

 There is a “Village” of Factory Outlet Shops at a place called Freeport Braintree just 55 minutes away by train.  This is very similar to the Bicester Outlet which everyone seems to know about but has the advantage of being only just an hour away, whereas Bicester – being near oxford - involves a full day trip.  Guests who have been to Braintree describe it as marvellous! For further information see its website at

Lakeside Shopping Centre is also relatively close to Plaistow and is very easily accessible by train from the local rail station which is just 2 minutes ride from Plaistow. It boasts 320 shops and 4 major Department Stores. (To give you some idea of how big it is it has space for parking 13,000 cars!!)

Be aware also that a No 69 bus from the end of our road will take you directly to Walthamstow Street Market.  It is said to be Europe's longest daily street market (Tue to Sat Inc) and has four hundred and fifty stalls as well as three hundred shops!   

I must avoid the temptation to try and list all the other attractions that London has to offer; otherwise I would not know where to stop. For example, on the subject of museums alone, there are over 250 of one sort or another within the capital - all within easy reach.  The biggest problem is deciding which ones to visit!

In addition to the points outlined above, we aim to ensure that you feel totally safe and relaxed whilst you are with us.  Rest assured, we will look after you just as though you were one of the family!

If you have any further queries about any aspect of your visit to London please feel free to send an e-mail to or call 0208 552 4201 or call/text to 07 919 050 742





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