
La tarte aux frais est un desert francias traditionel que vous pouvez l'acheter partout, en France.
(The strawberry tart is a traditional french desert that you can buy everywhere in France.)

I'm not a master of cooking, as I mentioned in my blog before that I could not even make fried eggs before I came to England. But I have to say that I'm quite proud of my strawberry tart. I haven't learned officially nor read the cookery book. I just tried to visualize the look and memorize the taste and just made it! It may not be the best pastry in the world, but it is still quite authentic. I'm very satisfied with my outcome. Even fat mick, the fuzzy bastard likes my strawberry tart, for the very first time that he could swallow the food I cooked.

Strawberry tart is quite easy to make. Just buy strawberries, instant custard and "quick jel" from supermarket. (Jams can be the substitute). Bake the pastry until it gets light brown, then, you should know how to do. 

For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to leave a message, then I will get it back to you as soon as I can. (I 'm too lazy to  write the whole recipe )

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