事情是這樣低...(不清楚的人請看我前一篇網誌)晚上房東來了...來和X度女談瓦斯帳單的事牠仍堅持不付 一般人若看到房東來了,
事情是這樣低...(不清楚的人請看我前一篇網誌) This is Mona, Sorry to write you this letter. I apologize if this letter brings you any inconvenience. I face a big problem now, I will sort it out by myself, and I know it is not your business and I will not ask you to involve in this thing. Just I am wondering if you would provide me some suggestions? My problem is : Now, I share a house with an Indian lady, she refused to pay “any” of the gas bill. Cause she said she never used gas since her tenancy started. (In our house, only heating relies on gas, all other utilities are all supplied by electricity.) She was lying, cause she is still using the heating in June and July sometimes. But she never admitted. And she told a lie to my landlord, she said the gas bill was my own responsibility cause she asked me to switch the boiler off but I just ignored, she was a liar, cause she had never ever asked me to switch the boiler off. My landlord is trying to help me but he feels confused as well cause he never faced this situation before. As my understanding, tenants in a house should share the bills , no matter how often one of them uses the utilities. I remember when I lived with Suzanne and Daniel, Suzanne rarely stayed in the house, but she still paid the portion due to her, and never tried to avoid or beat down the price. So, would you provide me any suggestions? Cause I think you have handled lots of tenants before, so I think you may have good understandings about the law regarding to the duties and responsibilities between the tenants. And I am also wondering if you could provide me any copy of the British law which regards that “the tenant should share the bills, no matter how often one of them uses the utilities.” I hereby apologize the inconvenience I bring. But I am so helpless. Cause I am a foreigner, and my landlord is confused, too. (My Indian flat mate even shouted at my landlord when we were trying to sort out this thing.) My friends in Farnham, Chris and Aoy Taylor also mentioned that you are one of the fairest landlord. And I do not know other people who may know how to handle this situation. I will appreciate you so much if you could provide me any information or suggestions. By the way, thanks for the statement you gave in February, it was really helpful. If you are convenient and do not mind to provide me information or suggestions. I hereby write down my contact, wish to hear from you soon. But it is totally dependant upon your will and schedule. And I promise, I will definitely not let you involve in this issue. Address:
牠仍堅持不付 一般人若看到房東來了, 可能就怕了
但牠態度一樣硬 甚至污賴我, 說牠叫我把瓦斯總開關切掉, 但我都沒有聽....
還把事情賴到我頭上, 說我英文不好, 我聽不懂牠講啥
是的...我聽不懂牠那個像狗在吠一樣難聽的X度口音, 幹!!!!!!
我和牠說..我以前跟一個英國女生住, 英國女生平均每週在家裡2天 但所有帳單都乖乖付該她的部份
牠竟然說 :" it was her, it worked on her, but it doesn't work on me"
後來我不爽了, 但因為房東在, 我仍保持禮貌的說, 牠明明有在用瓦斯
然後牠說牠不想跟我講話 就回房間 很用力把門關上.....
我明天會去找法律方面的顧問資詢 另一方面...今天晚上很不爽
因為以前的房東是好野人, 有20幾棟房子, 還開一家公司專門做租屋事宜...
我想他應該不會理我吧, 可是我瘋了....我不想讓那隻母狗好過
任何能整到牠的管道, 任何能要到錢的管道...我都會去試!!!!! 就算只有一絲希望我也不會放棄
Dear Mr. Peter Harvey:
Mobile: 078XXXX86XX
Best Regards